In Your Own WRITE is a six-week intervention designed to achieve self-development through creative writing. Unlike other programmes which recognise the broader therapeutic potential of writing, In Your Own WRITE is based on cutting-edge science and a novel theory mounted by The Genre Lab. Director, Dr Caty Flynn.
Creating a story to live by...
In Your Own WRITE is an accessible and preventative six-week creative wellbeing intervention which employs creative writing concepts for self-development, based on cutting edge neuroscientific and psychological theory and research. The programme follows a generic structure, personalised in action, and can be tailored for different age groups.
We work with all types of organisations, their staff, and users, in order to provide a proactive, creative, and positive approach to conceptualising and living their stories.
The programme consists of six inclusive, interactive, and inspiring workshops, each dealing with an accumulative stage of the overall IYOW concept. Workshops include a combination of instructor presentation, group discussion, and creative writing tasks.
Over the six weeks, users gain a new perspective for approaching their thoughts, emotions and behaviours, as well as experiencing positive outcomes relating to wellbeing, self-expression, conceptualisation and creative practice, all of which they can use for the rest of their lives.

What our users say...
“An amazing experience”
“A completely new way to look at things”
“I have felt a deeper understanding of myself.
It gave me a sense of clarity and calm which I could take with me”
What our partners say...
“Ground-breaking in its incorporation of science, creative writing, and wellbeing"
---- University of Salford
"We are proud to partner with The Genre Lab. The programme supported student wellbeing, inspired our young learners, and was a huge success."
---- Salford City College Group
---- Univerisity of California, Davis
Find out more...
If you are interested about how IYOW can benefit your organisation
and help your community to take creative control
of their stories, please contact us at support@thegenrelab.com